F/lthyGorgeousTh/ngs is an online magazine about sex, art, and photography. Questions? Contact us: editor[at]fgtmedia.com.

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Michael Jordan, at Gawker TV, has a great article up on sexual milestones in cinema before obscenity standards were established and enforced. The first nude. The first kiss. The first stip tease. The first coochie-coochie dance. (FilthyGorgeousThings)

Michael Jordan, at Gawker TV, has a great article up on sexual milestones in cinema before obscenity standards were established and enforced. The first nude. The first kiss. The first stip tease. The first coochie-coochie dance. (FilthyGorgeousThings)

April 12, 2010, 10:38pm

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