F/lthyGorgeousTh/ngs is an online magazine about sex, art, and photography. Questions? Contact us: editor[at]fgtmedia.com.

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New issue of FGT: Commerce. In this issue, we look at the places where sex and money meet with a collection of perspectives that can only, at best, scratch the thin surface. We have personal voices from a stripper, a client, a prostitute, a woman who writes about sex for money, a woman who trains dancers to dance for money. Kasia answers the question: when would you pay for sex? (Answer: when you’re in the hands of an expert.) So does debauchette. Melissa Gira traces the footsteps of prostitution in her excerpt from w4m In addition to these written features, we have an interview with Katie West, who’s thrived on ‘digital currency.’ We also have photography by the talented Joseph Story, whose projection work has resonance with the subject at hand. We have your photos. And to finish off, we have a few black and whites by Remi Rebillard, a dose of still, clothed beauty.This month’s ‘Win This’ is a little different: we want words this time. Your thoughts, experiences, insights. What’s taboo to you? What personal taboo would you like to break? Tell us at showus@fgmedia.com. Cover image: Joseph Story

New issue of FGT: Commerce. In this issue, we look at the places where sex and money meet with a collection of perspectives that can only, at best, scratch the thin surface. We have personal voices from a stripper, a client, a prostitute, a woman who writes about sex for money, a woman who trains dancers to dance for money. Kasia answers the question: when would you pay for sex? (Answer: when you’re in the hands of an expert.) So does debauchette. Melissa Gira traces the footsteps of prostitution in her excerpt from w4m

In addition to these written features, we have an interview with Katie West, who’s thrived on ‘digital currency.’ We also have photography by the talented Joseph Story, whose projection work has resonance with the subject at hand. We have your photos. And to finish off, we have a few black and whites by Remi Rebillard, a dose of still, clothed beauty.

This month’s ‘Win This’ is a little different: we want words this time. Your thoughts, experiences, insights. What’s taboo to you? What personal taboo would you like to break? Tell us at [email protected].

Cover image: Joseph Story

April 04, 2010, 2:29pm

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