F/lthyGorgeousTh/ngs is an online magazine about sex, art, and photography. Questions? Contact us: editor[at]fgtmedia.com.

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Betty Tompkins at Mitchell Algus (New York). The photorealist painter Betty Tompkins has a show up at Mitchell Algus (through June 6) called ‘Fuck Paintings.’  Her technique and scale are comparable to the work of Chuck Close, but unlike Close, her work is rarely shown due to its graphic nature.  Her paintings depict highly detailed close-ups of heterosexual sex acts.It raises the interesting question: what divides art from pornography?  Or better: is pornography a useful category to begin with?Mitchell Algus, 511 W. 26th Street near 10th Ave.  (New York) (F/lthyGorgeousTh/ngs)

Betty Tompkins at Mitchell Algus (New York).

The photorealist painter Betty Tompkins has a show up at Mitchell Algus (through June 6) called ‘Fuck Paintings.’  Her technique and scale are comparable to the work of Chuck Close, but unlike Close, her work is rarely shown due to its graphic nature.  Her paintings depict highly detailed close-ups of heterosexual sex acts.

It raises the interesting question: what divides art from pornography?  Or better: is pornography a useful category to begin with?

Mitchell Algus, 511 W. 26th Street near 10th Ave.  (New York)


May 21, 2009, 6:07pm

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